Monday, January 13, 2025

I could use a little help here, a few unbiased reviews from blog readers of the online blackjack and baccarat simulations I have come to rely on for much of my recent research!


I have been taking a critical hammering for years for my ideas about controlled progressive betting and its ability to consistently beat casino table games, and I remain unaffected by (if a little suspicious of) all that nonsense.  

I know my numbers inside out and backwards, and it is clear that most of the nay-sayers and "debunkers" cannot distinguish their innumerate arses from their elbows!

And as always it seems quite possible that those who can count beyond their fingers and toes but behave otherwise have an ulterior motive for insisting that there is no way that betting on random outcomes can show a punter profit in the long run, and casinos and bookmakers will always prevail.

They're wrong and I'm's really that simple.

One thing that does bug me, I confess, is derisive dismissal by doubters who claim that "sims" like the ones I use in my YouTube strategy demos are nothing like the actual casino games they mimic, and so outcomes from them should be dismissed as irrelevant.

I would pay polite attention if the sceptics offered proof to back their claims, but for some strange reason, that never happens.

I put a lot of work into evaluating both the Wizard of Odds blackjack sim and the baccarat platform offered by Baccarat WinPro before I committed to them, and I found both to be about as real--and unpredictable--as any game with a flesh-and-blood dealer pulling actual cards from a non-digital shoe on a solid table in a non-virtual, bricks-and-mortar casino.

OK, I guess I went a bit far there didn't I...with the verbiage, not the facts!

All I am asking is that a few of you out there play at least a session or two against one or other (or both) of these excellent sims, and let me know what you think of them.

I will be all ears at

I look forward to hearing from you.



I have shown you how to consistently beat the house (an anagram of my name, by an odd coincidence), and these sims offer a perfect pair of places to work on your proficiency and confidence before you put any real dosh on a felt table. 

An important reminder: The only person likely to make money out of this blog is you, Dear Reader. There's nothing to buy, ever, and your soul is safe (from me, at least). Test my ideas and use them or don't. It's up to you. One more piece of friendly advice: If you are inclined to use target betting with real money against online "casinos" such as Bodog, spend a few minutes and save a lot of money by reading this.

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I am happy to hear constructive criticism from people genuinely interested in improving their game, but life is too short for the drivel that too many posters have made their stock in trade. If insults are your game, not blackjack, please go away. If you work for a casino, you will know that progressive betting is only for fools, a surefire way of losing your bankroll. If you take blackjack seriously, as a player, you will know that that is a lie, one that the gambling industry promotes to protect its bottom line. I hope you will find something here of value. Thanks.