This blog will consist primarily of blackjack session screenshots taken from play against Ken Smith's estimable Blackjack Strategy Trainer, which I rank as the best online blackjack simulation I have come across so far.
I usually set the game at 8 decks because I figure if target betting can thrash the dumbest (meaning most player unfriendly) 21 game around, all other versions of blackjack will be a comparative walk in the park.
The primary objective of target betting is to win more when you win than you lose when you lose, knowing that in the long run it is inevitable that you will lose more bets than you win. It doesn't take magic or psychic powers, just discipline, confidence, commitment...and now and then, a whole lotta dough.
No one should kid themselves that money alone is all it takes to be a winner. The late Kerry Packer, an Australian billionaire with a death wish when he was playing in a casino rather than owning one (he built several Down Under), routinely bet $250,000 on each of six hands of blackjack, and was a big winner once in a great while.
Mostly, he was the most popular "whale" in Las Vegas history, because no one who flat-bets can ever hope to win in the end. Mr. Packer sure didn't.
**OK, so the Bank wasn't open and there was no green harvest at the cashier's cage. But it has always been my experience that real play in real time in a real casino is typically less hazardous than sessions against "sims" like this one. One reason might be that switching layouts/games/casinos is less of a problem in a real-live gambling town where another table is a few steps away and a whole new casino is next door on both sides. There's less of an incentive to bail out when no actual moolah is at stake!
An important reminder: The only person likely to make money out of this blog is you, Dear Reader. There's nothing to buy, ever, and your soul is safe (from me, at least). Test my ideas and use them or don't. It's up to you.
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I am happy to hear constructive criticism from people genuinely interested in improving their game, but life is too short for the drivel that too many posters have made their stock in trade. If insults are your game, not blackjack, please go away. If you work for a casino, you will know that progressive betting is only for fools, a surefire way of losing your bankroll. If you take blackjack seriously, as a player, you will know that that is a lie, one that the gambling industry promotes to protect its bottom line. I hope you will find something here of value. Thanks.